Be An Early Childhood Educator in Grey County
A career as an Early Childhood Educator (ECE) in Grey County offers a range of opportunities and the ability to make a positive, lasting impact in a child’s life.

High-Quality Licensed Child Care - The Facts
High-quality licensed child care and ECEs provide Ontario’s children with safe, responsive, and caring interactions that build a strong foundation for development and well-being. When children are nurtured in environments where their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical health is considered, they thrive in countless ways.
Working as a registered Early Childhood Educator is a rewarding career!
Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE) have diverse career pathways, such as Early Years Educator, Developmental Support Worker, Educational Assistant, Child Care Supervisor, and Director.
RECE’s enjoy a range of flexibility and benefits such as:
- Flexible hours: Weekdays, options for evenings, Before and After School programs
- Outdoor experiences with physical activity in natural settings and learning through play every day.
- The opportunity to collaborate with other professionals creating engaging environments and experiences to foster children’s learning and development
- ECEs are urgently needed by licensed childcare providers in Grey County.
- For ongoing job postings, please visit is external)
- Please see our Early Learning and Childcare page for contact information for licensed Child Care Centres to learn more about their job openings.
- To learn more about operating a licensed home child care centre, please see
- You can train as an ECE at various universities and colleges. In Grey-Bruce Fanshawe College(link is external) and Georgian College (link is external) offer the Early Childhood Education diploma programs. Both colleges work together with local employers for your ECE work placement.
- You can also find a full list of educational institutions that offer programs that may be eligible for financial support through the ECE grants program.
- If you are currently attending high school, please ensure you discuss dual credit opportunities with your guidance counsellor.
You can now apply for the ECE Education Grant, scholarships and bursaries, and OSAP to help cover tuition costs. There is also a Leadership Certification Grant for registered ECEs to continue their education.
- To work as an early childhood educator in Ontario, graduates are required to register with the Ontario College of Early Childhood Educators(link is external). As ECE is a regulated profession(link is external), there is a commitment to continuous professional learning(link is external).
Grey County offers free professional development opportunities to help ECEs grow, learn, and reflect on their practice.
The Early Learning Hub is a resource centre hosted by Grey County Child Care & Early Learning Division that is here to support the work of child care and early learning educators within Grey County. The Hub offers a lending library, professional learning opportunities and tools to support the ongoing learning and development of educators within our community.