McCullough Condominium
The County has received a plan of condominium application, known as the McCullough condominium (County file number 42CDM-2020-08) to create a condominium road for 5 new single detached dwellings. This new condominium road would have access off Sideroad 23. Servicing to the proposed dwellings will be via private wells and septic systems. The subject lands are designated as ‘Inland Lakes and Shoreline’ and ‘Hazard Lands’ in the County Official Plan. The Inland Lakes and Shoreline designation permits new residential development.
The proposed consent applications (B15-2020 – B19-2020) to be processed and circulated following the applications for zoning by-law amendment and plan of condominium would create 5 new residential lots on the subject lands. The purpose and effect of the zoning by-law amendment application is to implement the plan of condominium and related consent applications by rezoning the subject lands from Rural (RU) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Residential Limited Service with Holding (RLS (H5)), Residential Limited Service with Exception (RLS-257) and Environmental Protection (EP).