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Climate Action Progress

Grey County continues to collect and analyze data to help set priorities and determine if we are on track towards our climate targets. The actions below represent current initiatives and successes to date.

Climate Change Initiatives Snapshot 2023-2024

This report provides a 2023-2024 snapshot of successes to date, current initiatives, and next steps by Grey County, member municipalities, and community partners on the implementation of Going Green in Grey!

Read the Report
  • Ongoing data collection and analysis of energy usage in County buildings.

  • Increasing building energy efficiency by:

  • Planning to install 20 EV chargers at County Transportation Depots and the Administration Building.

  • Incorporating net-zero readiness into new capital construction projects, such as the Rockwood Terrace redevelopment, the new paramedic base in Durham, and new affordable housing units in Dundalk.

  • Diverted food waste by installing three Food Cyclers at County facilities.

  • Launched a County Green Team to advance initiatives across departments.

  • The County owns and manages 45 forest properties and approximately 8,500 acres of managed forests, sequestering approximately 30,000 tonnes CO2e per year. 
  • Since 2022, the Transform the Lawn project demonstrates naturalization of urban areas to increase biodiversity, including a tiny forest of native trees and shrubs, a rain garden, and a pollinator garden.
    • With NeighbourWoods North, the County has hosted three community planting events, engaging over 75 volunteers.

Volunteers planting trees and shrubs at the County Administration Building

  • The County’s Living Snow Fence Program compensates landowners for keeping corn crops standing to minimize plowing where snow drifting is common.

  • The Experimental Acres program supports local farmers in piloting new, regenerative practices.

    • To date, this program has supported pilot projects on 12 farms, directly impacting practices on 175 acres of farmland.

  • In 2024, Grey County started convening a monthly Waste Management Community of Practice with municipal staff from across the County to:

    • Complete regional waste management assessment

    • Assess potential for collaborative approaches to waste management services focusing on efficiency and diversion from landfill.

  • Southgate, Meaford, and the Blue Mountains have organics collection and an additional 4 municipalities are currently exploring this service.    

  • Owen Sound, Georgian Bluffs, and Meaford collaborate on leaf and yard composting.

  • Hanover and Georgian Bluffs have participated in the Food Cycler pilot program.

  • The transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) is coming - the number of registered ZEVs doubled from 2018 to 2020. However, 92.8% of the market is still gas, so there is still a long way to go.

  • The Rural Recharge project anticipates installation of additional chargers in Durham, Markdale, Meaford, Owen Sound, Shallow Lake, Springmount, and Thornbury.

  • Grey County has a Cycling & Trails Master Plan (2020) and manages the 77-km CP Rail Trail from Owen Sound to Dundalk. However, less than 1 percent of all kilometers travelled are currently made by active modes of transit.

  • Grey Transit Route provides reliable, affordable transit between and beyond Grey County communities, which provided 28,000 rides in 2023.

Grey Transit Route Drivers Seat Van in front of Georgian College

  • In 2024, Grey County launched the Tri-County Green Development Standards project to support developers and builders in sustainable new development and construction.

    • There are 3 counties, 24 municipalities, and industry and public stakeholders are engaged in this project. 

  • Grey County is partnering with the Clean Air Partnership to explore the feasibility of a Community Energy Efficiency Financing program advance residential retrofits. This project will determine what programs and incentives make sense based on the building age and types throughout Grey.

  • As of 2021, 77.5% of dwellings in Grey County were single detached. To promote compact, affordable housing, the County updated its Official Plan policies to support the creation of additional residential units.

  • As part of the Housing Action Plan, the County continues to work with municipalities to use Community Improvement Plan policies to provide incentives to encourage more purpose-built, affordable housing.

    • Through this initiative, two Hanover apartment projects received incentives through the Development Charges Conditional Exemptions.

  • Climate adaptation planning was identified as a priority in the Corporate Strategic Plan, to identify key actions for responding to the impacts of a changing climate. In 2024, Grey County was accepted into the ORCAA Outreach & Engagement Program to help support this work.

  • Planning staff are updating technical guidance to ensure that new developments consider the impacts of climate change (such as increased rainfall).

  • In 2023, the Grey Climate team participated in over 15 community events, resulting in 650+ climate-related interactions, including:

    • Presenting at six different events to a total of 300+ residents, including 100+ youth

    • Participating in 3 community events with a climate outreach booth, facilitating 100+ interactions

    • Hosting 3 events including two community planting events, with over 75 participants, and the Grey Bruce Youth Climate Action Conference, with 10 local schools, over 60 students, and 50 community volunteers.

  • Started a monthly climate action newsletter with over 300 subscribers and growing every month!

  • Convene three Climate Change Communities of Practice – the Public Sector CoP, Municipal Climate CoP, and Municipal Waste Management CoP.

  • Over 20 community partners, including Grey Agricultural Services, Grey-Bruce Public Health, Regional Tourism Organization 7, Georgian College, Grey-Sauble Conservation Authority, Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, Bluewater District School Board, Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board, and ICLEI Canada, and the Clean Air Partnership.

YCAC Conference 2023

Grey County

Situated two hours north of Toronto, Grey County offers beauty you can’t get in the city.

  • 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3
  • (519) 376-2205 | 1-800-567-4739